Blood Cancer

What is blood cancer?

Blood cancer is the term used to cover a number of malignant diseases of the bone marrow or blood-forming system. Because of the cancerous cells, the blood can no longer perform its vital tasks, such as fighting infections, transporting oxygen or stopping bleeding.

Curing blood cancer

Blood cancer patients can often only overcome the disease with the help of a blood stem cell donation from a suitable donor. In fact, in the case of leukaemia and malignant lymphomas, the transfer of healthy blood stem cells is the only chance of a cure.


Leukaemia is the word used to describe a series of diseases in which there is an increase of non-functional white blood cells. Malignant lymphomas are divided into Hodgkin's disease (lymphogranulomatosis) and non-Hodgkin's lymphomas (lymphatic leukaemia) according to their different characteristics.

The altering of lymphatic tissue leading to the swelling of the lymph nodes and enlargement of the spleen. Malignant lymphomas are divided according to their different characteristics into Hodgkin's disease (lymphogranulomatosis) and non-Hodgkin's lymphomas (lymphatic leukemia), which originate from the lymph nodes.

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