Every new registrant could be a patient's match.
Our interactive virtual donor drives houses online events initiated by individuals, sports clubs, universities and companies to engage their personal network of potential lifesavers. You can also become an initiator yourself by creating your own drive - no matter which individual idea you have!
Why we need your support
- Only 25% of patients find a matching donor within their family. 75% of patients who need a bone marrow or stem cell transplant rely on finding an unrelated donor.
- Over 50k people die from blood cancer every year
Numbers behind our work
- Each year, DKMS processes more than 254,000 stem cell donations worldwide
- In 2022 we are set to facilitate our 100,000th patient receiving a lifesaving transplant from a blood stem cell donor
- Nearly 360,000 people around the globe already support DKMS as volunteers