
ICPA partners with DKMS

DKMS Africa has partnered with the Independent Community Pharmacist Association (ICPA) to allow prospective blood stem cell donors to sign up and register at 18 selected ICPA pharmacies across South Africa.

DKMS fights blood disorders such as leukaemia, aplastic anaemia and sickle cell disease, amongst others, through the recruitment of blood stem cell donors and maintenance of a registry of potential donors committed to helping anyone in need of a life-saving blood stem cell transplant.

To make registering to become a blood stem cell donor more accessible and easier for potential donors we have partnered with the Independent Community Pharmacist Association (ICPA) now allowing the public to sign up and register at 19 selected ICPA pharmacies across the country.

Download list of participating pharmacies

We provide blood cancer patients with a second chance at life.
The vision of DKMS is to fight blood cancer. That's why we are constantly working to convince as many people as possible to join the blood stem cell register.
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Help us to register even more lifesavers
We’d love it if you could help us to get more people on the register so that everyone who needs a blood stem cell donor can find their match.